To the editor:

I have been reading Dannie Montgomery’s letters explaining why African-American students receive more punishment than white children, why they test lower, etc. Her answer basically is that more African-American teachers and administrators should be hired so the children will have positive role models, etc., and she implies that white teachers do not care and cannot relate to African-American students.

I find that very interesting and a little unbelievable, especially when I see African-American children coming up to their teachers and former teachers (both black and white) everywhere they go and hugging on them and thanking them for caring.

Could it be that 90 percent of the problems start at home, because many do not in fact have homes but places where they “are staying?” But I am all for anything that will help ALL children, including African-American students.

Dannie Montgomery might be right, and if Dannie Montgomery is any indication of what our children will become when they are adults, by all means, school board, do anything you can to prevent this! And if you want to take her back out of the classroom and give her a “program” where her damage is limited, by all means do so!

Derek James
