Anson Record

Anson County Schools releases testing data for 2022-23 school year

On September 6, 2023, the North Carolina Department of Education released testing data for the 2022-2023 school year. Each year, schools participate in End-of-Grade (EOG) tests in grades 3-8 reading and math, and science in grades 5 and 8. End-of-Course tests are given for NC Math 1, NC Math 3, English 2, and Biology. Other indicators include the ACT, the ACT WorkKeys, English Learner Progress, and the 4-year Cohort Graduation Rate.

In North Carolina, school performance grades (SPG) are based on the achievement component, which makes up 80% of the score, along with the growth component, which makes up the remaining 20%. Schools are then given a letter grade based on the SPG scores.

Anson County Schools meeting the state’s growth expectations were Lilesville Elementary, Morven Elementary, Peachland-Polkton Elementary, and Wadesboro Elementary. Anson County Early College exceeded growth. Schools whose achievement scores improved in 2022-2023 included Lilesville Elementary, Wadesboro Elementary, Wadesboro Primary School, and Anson County Early College.

Highlights of Anson County Schools’ 2022-2023 Data:

• The percentage of the district’s students who were proficient in grades 3, 4, 5, and 7 increased over 2021-2022 proficiency. NC Math 1 and NC Math 3 proficiency also increased districtwide.

• District proficiency increased in 5th grade science and biology.

• The district’s NC Math 3 scores increased from 29.2% proficiency in 2021-2022 to 51.5% in 2022-2023.

School Data Highlights:

• Ansonville Elementary proficiency in 5th grade reading and 3rd grade math remain above pre-COVID 2018-2019 scores.

• Lilesville Elementary proficiency levels increased in 3rd grade reading and math, 4th grade math, and 5th grade science.

• Morven Elementary proficiency increased in reading for 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades. Fifth grade math proficiency more than tripled over 2021-2022 scores and surpassed 2018-2019 pre-COVID scores.

• Peachland-Polkton Elementary proficiency increased in 3rd and 5th grade reading and 4th grade math.

• Wadesboro Elementary’s 4th grade students’ proficiency almost tripled in reading and more than quadrupled in math. Fifth grade science proficiency increased, as well.

• Wadesboro Primary School’s 3rd grade students increased proficiency in both reading and math.

• Anson Middle School’s 7th grade students’ math proficiency increased in 2022-2023 from 2021-2022 proficiency.

• Anson High School NC Math 3 proficiency increased from 10.2% proficient in 2021-2022 to 39% proficient in 2022-2023. Biology and Math 1 scores also increased over 2021-2022 proficiency.

• Anson County Early College proficiency levels increased in all EOC courses. The greatest gains were in NC Math 1 and NC Math 3.

District and school leaders are proud of the growth that students have made and their accomplishments in 2022-2023. They also acknowledged that improvements are still needed in some areas and they will continue to work hard to accomplish these goals. The school district is currently in Year 2 of the District Strategic Plan.