Karen Huang wrote “I had a medical checkup scheduled, and although I’d had no recent health concerns, I dreaded the visit. I was haunted by memories of an unexpected diagnosis long ago. While I knew God was with me and I should simply trust Him, I still felt afraid. I was disappointed in my fear and lack of faith. If God was always with me, why was I feeling such anxiety?”

“Then one morning I believe He led me to the story of Gideon. Called “mighty warrior”, Gideon was fearful over his assignment to attack the Midianites. Although God had promised him His presence and victory, Gideon still sought multiple reassurances. However, God didn’t condemn Gideon for his fear. On the night of the attack, He assured Gideon again of victory… She said “God understood my fear too. His reassurance gave me the courage to trust him. I experienced peace, knowing that he was with me regardless of the outcome. In the end, my checkup was wonderful.”

Community, this Christmas season is a reminder of why we should not be afraid. Because the angel said “Emmanuel” (God with us) was born on that first Christmas morn; he unrobed himself of heaven’s glory, took on human flesh and came into the world to bring peace on earth and goodwill toward men.

The angels said to the shepherds in Luke 2:8 “Fear not” …meaning “don’t be afraid.” To be afraid of anything is not a very good feeling; the word “afraid” carries several different meanings.

They are “The feeling of fear or anxiety.” We all know about this. It also means “Worried that something undesirable will occur.” We know about that too! It also means “Unwilling or reluctant to do something for fear or consequences.”

None of these are good. And unless it is dealt with it will control us and hinder us in doing what God wants us to do.

As a child I was afraid to go out at night where there was no lighting. I didn’t like walking outside at night in the dark. The worst of the worst caused me to see every evil thing lurking in the night.

Because I was afraid I dreaded going out. Some kids are still afraid of the dark; they see shadows, things in the closet and the Boogeyman under the bed. Even as an adult there are times in all of our lives when we too become afraid; afraid to step out into the unknown; afraid to leave home and start out on our own; the fear and anxiety of becoming parents for the first time; joining the armed forces and leaving the country. There is a certain amount of anxiety when a man and woman join together in holy matrimony thus beginning their lives together; starting a new career, a new job, a new relationship; some of us are afraid to go out at night, to walk the streets; and rightly so; some folk are afraid to drive at night; they’re afraid to fly in an airplane; and when we come into our Christian faith, our adversary Satan will try to make us afraid to do certain things in the local church.

Because he wants to hinder the work of the church, the best method for him to use is make the saints afraid to step out and be what God wants them to be and do what God wants us to do. To be afraid can cripple us when we are afraid of what people is going to say about us…about what we think is going to happen.

Satan thrives on making God’s people afraid. Many people that God have called to preach share how when before they accepted the call they ran from God. They were afraid to step out in faith to preach the gospel; they held off as long as they could.

I remember when I accepted the call to preach, and even more so the call to pastor; I have to admit how afraid I was to take on the responsibility of being a pastor. Knowing as I did all that this calling carries, the weight of pastoring; being faith-less, I was somewhat afraid and I was filled with anxiety.

It was unfounded because God had been faithful to me; He had proven himself to me; there are some Christians now as I write who are afraid; afraid to step out and use their gifts; they don’t want to be scrutinized and criticized. Satan has them right where he wants them, in a corner! They don’t think that they are capable of being used; some are afraid of the opinions of others; to be afraid is natural when we are stepping out into the unknown; but community as Christian believers being afraid is unfounded. We have no grounds or justification for being afraid.

God has proven Himself to us over and over again; God chose Gideon to deliver Israel from the Midianites (Judges 6:7-15). God promised him victory… “Don’t be afraid, I am with you (Gideon 12b).” Despite God’s assurances Gideon was afraid. Baby Jesus, laying in a manger is a reminder to all of us that we don’t have to be afraid; “Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people (Luke 2:10).” We don’t have to be afraid of the dark; a diagnosis; a medical check-up, a hospital waiting room or what might happen tomorrow; His word is “don’t be afraid, I am with you.”