Harvest Ministries Pastors, Leadership, and several community members joined together to formally dedicate and “open” the recently upgraded outdoor basketball court area on the campus of HMOC on Saturday, October 21.
WADESBORO— On Saturday October 21, 2023, Harvest Ministries Pastors, Leadership and several community members joined together to formally dedicate and “open” the recently upgraded outdoor basketball court area on the campus of HMOC.
“This space has been a safe haven, a place for hundreds of local children and youth to come to play basketball and be in a good environment – and to see this amazing transition is just a testament to the need of something like this in our area,” shared founding pastor Tim Adams.
Current Lead Pastor Steve Adams added “ It has always been the same mantra here … Find Needs and Fill Them, Find Hurts and Heal them.”
“My father many years ago saw a need for this basketball court for our young people… so we put up plywood backboards, and rims, cleaned the existing asphalt as much as the funds would allow, and many people were provided a good place to play – but today, today is a testament to this community seeing the need and working to upgrade and enhance this area,” Adams added, “The outpouring of financial support to have this new and improved basketball court is really remarkable. Over $7,000 in donations were contributed -all because people saw and still see the value in providing a safe and usable outlet for our youth.”
“On any given night – 30-40 young folks are here, in a well-lit, camera controlled, and community policed area- so the basketball court meets many needs beyond just a place to shoot hoops,” continued Pastor Adams.
Prior to the ribbon being cut – local Pastor Tobias Wall offered a prayer of continued safety, use, and positivity to come from the upgraded recreational area, as well as blessings over Anson County and its young people.
Pastor Steve thanked the over 20 businesses and local individuals who donated to make this event possible – as well as the hundreds on social media who supported .
Special thanks to Commissioner Harold Smith, Evadne Smith, & Smith Funeral Home, Poisson Law Firm, Michael Covington (Morven Community Store), Jay Ayers, Robbie Hill, Anson Exteriors ( Marco Mendoza), Sandhills Voter Initiative , Wesley Martin, H&S Paving, Pastor Randy Storz, Attorney Scott Forbes, Commissioner Robert Mims, Jan Long, Derek Bowens, April Burch, Cliff Martin, Pastor Tim Adams, Harvest Ministries, City Reach Community Center, the Express Newspaper, and the various anonymous donors!
Pastor Steve reiterated that this project would not be possible without this local community… by stating, “People never invest in something where they don’t see the return – and this county graciously gave because of the value in this project- for that…THANK YOU!”
For more information on the various programs of Harvest – reach Adams at 704-695-2879