WADESBORO- Anson County Sheriff Landric Reid spoke to a packed house at the County Commissioner’s meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 4 as he announced that Anson County has joined the ranks of dozens of other counties throughout North Carolina in becoming a Second Amendment Sanctuary County.
“In my lifetime, I have taken the oath of office five times,” said Sheriff Reid, “One time in the U.S. Army, one time in the N.C. National Guard, one time in the Highway Patrol, and twice as sheriff. All five times I have sworn that I would defend the Constitution of the United States…We are here today to talk about the Bill of Rights, specifically the Second Amendment.”
Sheriff Reid worked with County Attorney Scott R. Forbes to draft the resolution. It ends with, “The Anson County Board of Commissioners hereby declares Anson County, North Carolina, a ‘Second Amendment Sanctuary.’
Forbes read the resolution and it was met with a thunderous standing ovation from those in attendance. The Board of Commissioners passed the resolution unanimously. Most of the audience exited the room once the resolution passed.
Dr. Fred Thompson, Director of the Anson County Health Department took the podium after Sheriff Reid and addressed the commissioners. “I don’t know how I can top that,” joked Thompson.
Thompson spoke on the social and economic factors of health and how a broad coalition of different governmental agencies is required to tackle them. These factors included high poverty, unemployment, and incarceration rates. Once these issues are addressed, the overall health of Anson County would improve, according to Thompson.
Sheriff Reid would once again address the commissioners to award Deputy Carmen Jenkins with a Certificate of Heroism for her role in saving the life of a two-week-old, five-pound baby in December, 2019. “I would like to suggest that anytime an Anson County employee saves a life, we find a way to give them a day off,” said Reid.
Forbes ended the meeting by giving updates to the commissioners on the deed for the old hospital, which is now a vacant lot located at 500 Morven Road. Updates were also given concerning the Department of Social Services building and the new middle school.
The deed for the old hospital, formerly known as Anson Community Hospital, has reverted to the county. Bids for a prospective lease facility for the Department of Social Services will be open to the public on Feb. 11.
Construction of the new middle school is currently at a standstill until the N.C. Senate passes the budget and relinquishes funds to the county. NC Representative Mark Brody said “I’m confident we’re going to pass the budget soon.”