Retiring Superintendent Howard McLean stood by Bethany Smith as she offered benediction to her fellow graduates.
                                 Submitted to the Record

Retiring Superintendent Howard McLean stood by Bethany Smith as she offered benediction to her fellow graduates.

Submitted to the Record

<p>Submitted to the Record</p>

Submitted to the Record

ANSON — On Wednesday, May 29 at 8 p.m., Anson County Schools held their 2024 High School Graduation Ceremony. Families gathered with their graduates to celebrate the close of childhood and the promise of untold feats still waiting to be accomplished in adulthood.

Filled with a range of emotions, graduates from high schools across Anson County, their families, and faculty members said goodbye and wished the newly minted adults well in charting the course of their futures.

At the ceremony, retiring Superintendent Howard McLean instructed students one last time, saying, “You may now move your tassels from right to left symbolizing that you are now officially graduated from high school. Congratulations,” he praised.

Reminding the audience that he made a promise to the parents that he would allow them and their graduates time to celebrate, McLean declared, “Parents, I want the people in Union County to hear you celebrate the graduates of 2024.”

Following thunderous applause and excited shouting, Bethany Smith of Anson High School joined Superintendent McLean at the podium, to offer benediction.

Smith began by providing a lesson in the differing meanings of benediction. She reminded attendees that a benediction means to speak well of, though she pointed out that a benediction may also be something one states when taking a leap of faith.

“Now that the tassels have been turned, we honor and celebrate these graduates. Now that chords and stoles have been worn, may these graduates wear the honor and experience each day.”

Speaking directly to her fellow graduates, Smith said, “As the class of 2024 takes a great leap of faith into college, continuing school, or the work field, may this moment shine and reign within you as a fulfillment and an achievement. May the class of 2024 seize each day. May you all go forward with purpose, pride, and strength. May this class strive upwards using knowledge, wisdom, and talents mindfully each day.”

Smith finished her speech, posing one final question to her classmates designed to invoke the type of consideration that will reverberate throughout the years, “Remember that the powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse. What will your verse be?”