In Bible times, a tower was a stronghold for defense and protection.
Community, everybody has something that they lean on; that which they look to for support and protection. For example, children lean on their parents for support and protection. Those with broken legs or legs that had surgery lean on their crutches for support. Those who can’t walk well lean on their walker. Paralyzed people lean on their wheelchairs. Blind people lean on their cane or seeing eye dogs. Little bitty babies lean on their mothers. Boys lean on their father. The alcoholic leans on his bottle The drug addicts lean on their drugs. Some wives lean on their husbands. Older seniors lean on their doctors and some folk lean on their jobs. Some parents lean on their children.
We all have our leaning post, that which we fall on to hold us up, to keep us afloat, our safe haven for protection It is our human nature to run to or cling to something or somebody in troubling times. Now in the Bible, God erected places of safety, havens for people to run to for safety and protection. In the Bible these places were places to hide from their enemies, places for the oppressed, and those who would be victims otherwise. The tower represented such a place that was a stronghold for defense and protection; a safety net that will secure us, something to lean on when the enemy comes in like a flood. Whenever somebody leans, it is a symbol of weakness; otherwise, they would not lean.
Leaning suggests “I need something or somebody to help me and hold me up.” We all need that sometimes and if somebody thinks that they don’t need something or somebody to lean on just keep on living. The right thing to come along will put you in a place where you will look to something or somebody to support you. Christians need prayer partners; somebody to help them pray when the worst of the worst happens. We can’t make it by ourselves.
Some time ago, I was asked to be on the prayer line with some pastors and preachers from Robeson, Scotland and other counties during the initial days of COVID-19. We would pray for our nation, our hospitals, the doctors, COVID-19 victims and families.
I remember clearly one evangelist calling in on the prayer line distraught over the fact that her son was in Florence, South Carolina hospital battling COVID-19. At that time no one was allowed in the hospital so she couldn’t see him. Folks were dying all around and she, an evangelist, was in tears crying emotionally on the prayer line because she couldn’t see her son. She didn’t know what was going on with him.
She needed us pastors and preachers to support her in prayer, and we did. I tried to sympathize with her but it was when my wife was in intensive care for six days and I couldn’t see her, didn’t really know what was going on, that I could identify with this evangelist. I needed every prayer, and phone call that I received during that time.
When the right thing comes along, we all are going to need something or somebody to lean on, a tower that we can run to and give us support.
Such as the case with the city of Thebez in Judges 9:50-55. They run to a tower for refuge and protection from the enemy. Abimelech and his army were on the war path, defeating every army in his way. Now he’s coming to destroy the people of Thebez. Abimelech was a conniving and evil person. He had just killed the people of Shechem, now he is preparing to do the same with the city of Thebez.
But notice that there was a strong tower erected in the city of Thebez, and all the men and women of the city ran and shut themselves up in the tower for protection. Abimelech attempts to set the tower on fire. But what he didn’t realize is that what goes around, comes back around. That God is not mocked; that whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap, according to Galatians 6:7. We may get by, but we will not get away. Life has a way of coming full circle and those that sow in the wind, will reap the whirlwind, Hosea 8:7.
What we throw, like a boomerang, will come back to our door. He attempts to set fire to the tower to destroy those inside. But God had His number. For God is a stronghold for those that “lean” on him. I want to tell somebody this morning, lean on God. Make Him your tower! Everything else will buckle and some have had to learn this the hard way.
Make God and God alone your leaning post. Get close to God and make Him the center of your life.
See, Things tear up, people will die and stuff can fall apart.
We remember the late Bill Withers wrote in 1972 the song, “Lean on me, when you’re not strong, and I’ll be your friend, I help you carry on.”
It sounds good, but community hear me when I say we all had better lean on God! He is a strong tower to those that trust in Him, Proverbs 18:10. Abimelech tried to burn the tower, but a woman dropped a millstone on his head and crushed his skull killing him.
Community, the name of the Lord is our strong tower, our refuge. Friends and relationships fail, money runs out, 401k’s crash and loved ones die, but if you lean on God You can make it.