MORVEN — Yolanda G. Creech was crowned as the Virtuous Woman 2017 at the annual Virtuous Woman program sponsored by the Morven Chapter of Las Amigas, Inc. on Saturday, April 1, 2017 at White Oak Baptist Church in Morven.
Creech is the daughter of the late Ronald and Bettye Carlton and is married to Robert Creech. They have two daughters, Jada and Dyamond. She is self-employed and the owner of Trucking R Us, Inc. of Charlotte and attends White Oak Baptist Church. Her hobbies are spending time with family and helping others.
First runner-up in the Virtuous Woman program was Kendra Burns. She is the daughter of the late Deacon Leroy Short and Deaconess Rosa Short and is married to Andre Burns.
She has worked as a bus driver for 16 years and also works with developmentally-disabled children. She attends New Life Christian Faith Church.
Second runner-up was Betty C. Woodburn. She is the daughter of the late Samuel Chambers and the late Lizzie R. Chambers and is married to Zadek Woodburn. They have two children — Derrick of South Korea and Bettina of Charlotte — and six grandchildren. Woodburn is retired and attends Galilee A.M.E. Zion Church.
Other women participating in the event were: Pecolia Harrington, Mary J. Parker and Donnya Scott.
Each year, the Morven Chapter of Las Amigas, Inc. sponsors the Virtuous Woman program where a woman is identified and celebrated who has made a considerable contribution to the community. The theme this year was, “Virtuous Women: Staying Faithful in Troubling Times,” and the keynote speaker was Pamela Blount of Charlotte.
The Morven Chapter of Las Amigas, Inc. has been providing civic and social activities in the Anson County community for 29 years. There are nine members: Joletha Little, Judy Simon, Elizabeth Kersey, Marilynn Bennett, Pat McCoy, Winnie M. Bennett, Beulah Pratt, Johnie M. Pettiford and Brenda Deberry.
Winnie Bennett is the treasurer of the Morven chapter of Las Amigas.