Pictured: (back row)Samantha Douglas, Elizabeth Kersey, Joletha Little, Elizabeth Kilgo, Patricia McCoy, Arnnette Taylor, Devin Pettiford, Quantelya Johnson, Shunee McRae
(front row) Johnie Pettiford, Marilynn Bennett, Beulah Pratt, Judy Simon, Winnie Bennett
Not pictured: Kristen Mims
Photo courtesy of Las Amigas
WADESBORO — Morven Chapter of Las Amigas, Incorporated held their thirty-fifth year anniversary celebration themed, “A Royal Celebration of Service and Sisterhood” at the Twin Valley Country Club in Wadesboro on Oct. 1.
Winnie Bennett is the organizer and founder of the charter chapter in Morven, sponsored by the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Chapter.
Charter members are Winnie M. Bennett, Beulah Pratt, Judy Simon, Marilynn, Johnie Pettiford, Dorene McLendon (deceased), Debbie Taylor and Synetha Pratt.
During the event, the ladies joined together to form the “Sisterhood Chain”, which was told the history of the chapter and how each sister used their unique abilities to edify the organization.
Over the past 35 years, the ladies have worked diligently to impact the lives of the citizens in their own community of Morven, as well as the entire county of Anson.
Morven Chapter has awarded annual scholarships, sponsored Little Las Amigas Pageants, held MLK Jr. Essay workshops, Comfort of Love projects, completed breast cancer and domestic violence awareness projects, and continues to sponsor American Cancer Society, Partnership for Children and much more.
The Morven Chapter Las Amigas Incorporated active members are Patricia McCoy, Elizabeth Kersey, Winnie Bennett, Johnie Pettiford, Samantha Douglas, Joletha Little, Quantelya Johnson, Marilynn Bennett, Judy Simon, Elizabeth Kilgo, Arnnette Taylor, Beulah Pratt, Kristen Mims, Shunee McRae and Devin Pettiford.
Las Amigas, Incorporated is a national, public service, and charitable women’s organization founded by two teachers, Mrs. Dora R. Mason and Mrs. Mary Q. Moore. It was organized on February 5, 1957 in Charlotte, North Carolina. The Las Amigas, Incorporated organization continues to make leaps and bounds under the leadership of the 21st National President, Agatha Bouiver Martin Grimes.
Through sisterhood and service Las Amigas Incorporated is impacting lives, making a difference and leaving an imprint on the communities served.
Las Amigas, Incorporated is a 501(c)(3) organization, and all monetary donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by tax laws.