During the Shamrock Shuffle on Saturday, Studio 256 hosted a demonstration on water-marbling scarves. Pictured is Sally Wincze leading a few participants, who were each able to choose their own colors for their scarf.
                                 Photo courtesy of Heather Mathews Edwards

During the Shamrock Shuffle on Saturday, Studio 256 hosted a demonstration on water-marbling scarves. Pictured is Sally Wincze leading a few participants, who were each able to choose their own colors for their scarf.

Photo courtesy of Heather Mathews Edwards

<p>The final product from the water-marbling.</p>

The final product from the water-marbling.

<p>During the Shamrock Shuffle on Saturday, Studio 256 hosted a demonstration on water-marbling scarves.</p>

During the Shamrock Shuffle on Saturday, Studio 256 hosted a demonstration on water-marbling scarves.

During the Shamrock Shuffle on Saturday, Studio 256 hosted a demonstration on water-marbling scarves. Pictured is Sally Wincze leading a few participants, who were each able to choose their own colors for their scarf.

During the Shamrock Shuffle on Saturday, Studio 256 hosted a demonstration on water-marbling scarves.

The final product from the water-marbling.