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Sen. Tom McInnis speaks at Richmond Community College’s gala earlier this year.
Senator will build support for bills in new role
ROCKINGHAM — Sen. Tom McInnis has been named one of two majority whips for the Senate Republican Caucus in a unanimous vote.
McInnis, who represents District 25 which includes Richmond, Moore, Anson and Scotland counties, was elected to serve as whip alongside Sen. Jim Perry. As whip, McInnis will be tasked with working behind the scenes to drum up support for legislation.
“I am incredibly grateful that my colleagues selected me to help guide our agenda during the next biennium,” McInnis said in a statement. “Our state has benefited from a decade of low taxes, prudent spending, and investments in education. I’m honored to work with caucus to build on that agenda.”
McInnis was reelected to his seat this election cycle after defeating Democrat Helen Probst-Mills. McInnis is co-chair of the Senate Standing Committees for both Transportation and Appropriations on Department of Transportation.
McInnis and Perry replace retiring members Sen. Jerry Tillman and Sen. Rick Gunn as whips.
Senate Leader Phil Berger said he believes McInnis will do a “fantastic job” in the role.
“Senator McInnis’ skill as a legislator is undeniable,” Berger said in a statement. “His work over the past biennium shoring up the Department of Transportation’s financial troubles has been invaluable. He brings an unmistakable excitement to the legislative process that will serve him well as a whip.”
North Carolina Senate Republicans named Sen. Kathy Harrington the next majority leader, making her the first woman to serve in this role since the chamber was created 40 years ago, the Associated Press reported.
The Republicans hold 28 of the 50 Senate seats in the General Assembly for this upcoming two-year term.
Reach Gavin Stone at 910-817-2673 or gstone@yourdailyjournal.com. To support the Richmond County Daily Journal, subscribe at https://www.yourdailyjournal.com/subscribe.