Contributed photo
                                The BRLC volunteers who helped with supper.

Contributed photo

The BRLC volunteers who helped with supper.

1961 Wightman Church Road. Polkton, North Carolina 28135 – Ph: 704-826-8737

Site location 13339 Hwy. 742. N. Polkton, NC 28135

The first Monday of each month at 6:30 P.M Burnsville Fire Dept. hold their monthly meeting & training Sessions.

February 6th. Was that time. BRLC volunteers provided supper for the fire department first responders.

The supper consisted of barbecue, slaw, chips, hamburger buns, cake and assorted beverages. The opening consisted of welcome and prayer by attendant Gary Sikes. Supper was served to all that was in attendance. BRLC’s after school children presented a short program to give thanks to Burnsville Fire First Responders for their years of hard work. Most of us are or have been very shy when ask to stand and speak before strangers and the children showed us exactly how to do it.

In their presentations student spoke softly as they stood before the Fire Department group. Some even had to have a seat as they said their remarks. They expressed to Burnsville first responders how appreciative they were to have them in this community. The young Students recited the names of individuals who they knew personally that was served or rescued in some way by this Burnsville team.

Students also presented a moment in Black History which each read or recited information on an African American of their choice. This brief information was based on the contributions of African Americans to this country. The kids Café students read important information they themselves hope to see accomplished in society. Each piece of information the students shared dealt with the economy, fuel, electric cars and how important it is for individuals to learning to work together.

Treamenda Caple, Cathy Howard, Brenda Benton and Deloris Hammond are volunteers who work weekly with BRLC after school students. Several Community Citizens was on hand in support of this special moment. They were Mr. & Mrs. Rayon Horne and former Kids Café after school participants, Mrs. Christine Rose who currently serves in an administrative role at Porter Ridge Schools in Union County and Mr. Victory Medley who is currently serving in the US Army as a Drone specialist.

What would this community be without this great department?

This team of volunteer firemen and medical team makes themselves available to serve in time of need or emergencies. The Fire Department is made up of special men and women willing to be trained and serve. Burnsville volunteer Fire & Rescue pasted and present, this community is grateful for your service and training. We extends our gratitude to each of you.