Pictured are 11-year-old Laila Hammond and seven-year-old Gabriel Hersey. They both attend Ansonville Elementary School and are enrolled in the Burnsville’s Kids Café Programs. The two students were awarded gift certificates from the summer reading program contest. Together, they both read 80 books.
Photo courtesy of BRLC
Yes, Christmas is celebrated on December 25 of each year. What a marvelous time to enjoy the small and simple things in life. With the help of BRLC’s Secret Santas, local children in this community received special gifts that had been wrapped and placed under the decorated tree located in the Learning room. Bags of fruits, children’s books, candy cane candy and other gifts were given to all students on December 20th.
Without the help of BRLC’s secret Santa’s there would have been some sad faces and broken hearts. Secret Santa reached in his bag and supplied three children’s bikes to BRLC. The bikes were given to local children whose hearts was set on bikes for Christmas. Due to unforeseen circumstances the parent could not provide bikes this year but secret Santa came through.
BRLC afterschool staff, students, volunteers and guests enjoyed a Christmas program presented by children who are enrolled in BRLC Kid Café. The program’s theme this year was “The True Meaning of Christmas.” Students and volunteers participated in the program. Pizza, chicken wings, bread sticks, garden salad and beverages were served to all guest.
Lead teacher Mrs. Treamenda Caple, afterschool tutors and volunteers transformed the Children area into a beautiful Christmas Wonderland. The decoration will remain up throughout the end of January. The community is invited to stop in daily Monday through Sunday and tour the beautiful arts’ decorations. There will be volunteers on hands daily 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. throughout the month of January to assist with the tours. The afterschool students want to show the community and sponsors their beautiful Christmas’s art work and decorations.
During the Christmas vacation, BRLC Kids Café students, and volunteers travel to Charlotte’s Motor Speedway to enjoy the Christmas lights. This was very special. Many had never experience the lights and music show.
Allen Jackson was once a student that attended the Kids Café Program and has not forgotten home after graduating from NC Central University in Durham. BRLC have tried to instill in children, as you can see, the importance of giving back. Many opportunities awaits him in life as his career paths continue to unfold.
BRLC says thank you, to those of you that continue to support this organization. You are helping us to touch lives and most of all change the experiences for potentially gifted students. Each student that comes through BRLC’s doors and remain with us, their lives are changed because of you.