Youth Laila Hammond of the Burnsville Community brightening up the rock in front of the cemetery.
Photo courtesy of Carol Smith
WADESBORO — Poplar Spring Missionary Baptist Church, under the leadership of Rev. Joshua Ellerbe, continues to have improvement made to the Historical Cemetery located on the Rocky Mount Church Rd.
Youth Laila Hammond of the Burnsville Community wanted to help improved the looks of the now entrance of the Historical Cemetery. She is 12 years old and recently discovered her great, great, great, great-grandparents who are laid to rest in the cemetery. Their names were Lewis and Eddie Broadway. She wanted to brighten the huge rock that’s set at the now front of the Historical Cemetery.
Her art work is amazing. Laila is always ready to help in any way possible. She is one of BRLC’s young people learning how to serve others. Mrs. Margaret Horne and Mrs. Deloris Hammond, her grandmother, were close by in case she discovered that she needed help. We thank each and every one that has given a hand in this Historical Cemetery project.
Community meets
On May 27th, community members gathered to continue in the preservation of the Poplar Spring Historical Cemetery. Concerned citizens as far away as Charlotte and Lincolnton, NC, were involved as well.
I was contacted by some and warned of the rain that would come. I continue to think of the hard times that my ancestors must have endured back in the days when life was much more difficult. So, I continue to press onward and in hope that we could get a little work done on that morning. Yes this was the weekend of Memorial Day and I knew that many had family plans. I couldn’t help but think there was a time when what my ancestor’s thoughts really didn’t matter.
Those of us that came together to work on that morning accomplished much, especially with the cloudy weather. The rain did start until around lunch time which made things work well.
Once the group finished our tasks for the morning we came together to give our creator thanks and adoration for who he is and all he is. Those that served in the military were honored on that day by the group and they were named individual by name. We have discovered six veterans who fought in World War II buried there and one that fought and was killed in the war. There are many sunken graves, many small stumps that need to be removed from the trees that at one time was there. Lynn Thomas Grading did a tremendous amount of work to help us as we got started several years ago. I will never forget their kindness.
We are also needing help in acquiring an entrance and exit to the place that is full of hidden treasures in this Historical Place of rest. If there is anyone that can provide us with some assistance we would appreciate it. The flowering Saturday morning another group came out to work and this was so inspirational due to the fact that I and others could not be there. The work is continuing to move forward.
Volunteer were on hand on the 27th of May to provide lunch for all that came out to help with this special cemetery project. I want to say that my community has stood alongside of BRLC and have made this organization what we have become for the betterment of Anson County.
Those that have worked on the cemetery project in the month of May are Allen Jackson, Jewel Brewer, Inez Williamson, Julia Laisure, Margareta Horne & Rayvon Horne, Mr. & Mrs. George Senter, Laila Hammond, Deloris Hammond, Robert Scales, Nathanial Harris, Your truly and those that prepared food were Malerie Smith, Alonna Dunlap and friend.