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WADESBORO — Kilwinning Lodge #64 AF&AM in Wadesboro installed its officers for 2024 in January. Left to right are Speed Hallman, installing officer; Bryan Ratliff, tyler; Eric Forbes, senior deacon; John Jarman, senior warden; Hubert Wright, treasurer; Lockhart Taylor, master; Charles Holley, junior deacon; Ty Stroud, junior warden; Eddie Huntley, senior steward; Ronnie Traywick, chaplain; and Trent Ward, junior steward.

The lodge, chartered in 1813, has been a positive force in Anson County since its inception. Its members support local charities in addition to the Masonic Home for Children at Oxford and the Masonic and Eastern Star Home in Greensboro.

The mission of Freemasonry in North Carolina is to raise the moral, social, intellectual, and spiritual conscience of society by teaching the ancient and enduring philosophical tenets of Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth, which are expressed outwardly through service to God, family, country, and self under the Fatherhood of God within the Brotherhood of Man. Freemasonry does not recruit members but inquiries about membership are welcomed.