Four new members were sworn in to the Anson County Board of Elections on April 2.

Due to a recent law change and court proceedings, the prior board was held over until March 31, several months past the scheduled term ending in June.

Prior to the newly confirmed board taking the oath of office, Elections Director Steve Adams recognized the outgoing board and its members with remarks and plaques of appreciation for their service.

Upon calling the meeting to order, newly confirmed members for the current term were administered the oath of office.

Democrat members James Paxton and Annie Parsons were given the oath by Anson County Clerk of Superior Court Mark Hammonds. Republican members Rochelle Williams and Tracy Baynard were administered the oath by Adams.

Recent law changes added an additional member to local boards of elections, as well as the office of vice chair.

After the oath was administered and the new board seated, Adams welcomed the incoming board and opened the floor for nominations of officers. James Paxton was nominated and unanimously approved to serve as the board chairman; Rochelle Williams as vice chair; and Tracy Baynard as secretary.

“I am excited to serve and thankful for the opportunity,” Williams said.

Local Board of Elections members are nominated by county party chairs, submitted to the N.C. State Board of Elections for approval and appointed by the governor.

Members serve two-year terms, beginning May 1 of the odd-numbered year, with this term ending July 1, 2019.

“Our goals are continue to provide fair and excellent elections for the voters of Anson County,” Adams said.


Those who vote at Wadesboro 3 Precinct will now vote at the AA Building on Country Club Road, and will no longer vote at Wadesboro Primary.

Contributed photo New Board of Elections members James Paxton and Annie Parsons are sworn in. photo New Board of Elections members James Paxton and Annie Parsons are sworn in.

Contributed photo Elections Director Steve Adams administers oath of office to Rochelle Williams and Tracy Baynard to become members of the Anson County Board of Elections. photo Elections Director Steve Adams administers oath of office to Rochelle Williams and Tracy Baynard to become members of the Anson County Board of Elections.

By Natalie Davis