To the editor:

The MLK Jr. Committee would like to express appreciation to all who had a part in making this year’s celebration successful.

This year’s event was held at Empowering Word Ministries, where Apostle Reginald White is the pastor. The committee would like to offer thanks in particular to Mr. Harold Smith, of Smith’s Funeral Home, for sponsoring the Sunday morning Prayer Breakfast at Lady Bug’s Restaurant. Community participants who also supported this event were: Grace Senior Center; local elected officials; Morven Chapter of Las Amigas, Incorporated; Alpha Pi Chi and their debutantes; the combined community men’s chorus, and National Association of University Women. Local churches also assisted in this endeavor: Flat Rock Baptist Church, Ebenezer Baptist Church, as well as other places of worship. Two dance groups ,Willing Vessels and MyLites, also performed. Johntasia Harrison gave an awesome reading of her “How I’m Living the Dream” essay.

The MLK Jr. Planning Committee will transition to a Black History Month Planning Committee. This committee will meet on Fridays at 4 p.m. at the Grace Senior Center in Wadesboro. Please contact Marlene Richardson at 704-694-2337, Winnie Bennett at 704-851-9269 or Bernice Bennett at 704-694-6616 if you are interested in serving on this committee.

MLK Jr. Planning Committee