Eastern Regional Director Jerry Earnhardt, MS, LCMHCS, of Daymark Recovery Services wins the 2022 Outstanding CIT Trainer of the Year.
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CONCORD – The National Alliance on Mental Health (NAMI) has awarded Jerry Earnhardt, MS, LCMHCS, Eastern Regional Director, of Daymark Recovery Services, the 2022 Outstanding CIT Trainer of the Year for his extraordinary public service on behalf of all North Carolinians and for people living with mental illness and their families. This award was presented in Raleigh, North Carolina on February 24, 2022 during the CIT Conference.
CIT is a Crisis Intervention Team training designed for law enforcement agencies and paramedics, teaching how to engage persons who have mental illness or substance use disorders, with a focus on accessing available resources for the person.
Holly Baker is the Executive Assistant for Daymark Recovery Services, Inc.
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