Photo courtesy of Carol Smith

Photo courtesy of Carol Smith

WADESBORO — Creative Crafts was six weeks of getting to know your neighbors a little better.

Tuesday morning’s beginning at 11:00 A.M. until 12:30, with the geading and guiding of the Holy Spirit through Beverly Hunt, women, men and children were able to engage in a moment of creative crafts. Tuesday’s session were never the same. The creative power worked through all who attended. Each one that attended and joined in creating cards went home knowing their selves a little better.

Each beautiful and inspirational card was special and different just as we are. There was always a time set aside to hear from the heart of those who needed or wanted to share their heart. Hopefully, the sessions will return in the fall of 2023.

If you are interested in expressing your craft please contact: BRLC -704-826-8737 Mon. Tues. or Wed.