Tania Thomas met Santa this Christmas season.

Tania Thomas met Santa this Christmas season.

<p>Davion Bennett receives a gift from Ms. Claus beside a beautifully decorated Christmas tree.</p>

Davion Bennett receives a gift from Ms. Claus beside a beautifully decorated Christmas tree.

<p>Pictured are Sarah Polson, Emma Phillips, Debbie Grose, Rev. Lonnie Grose, Natalie Goodwin and Marcy Goodwin. Marcy Goodwin owns Ma’s Kitchen and Grill in Morven where the event was held on Saturday, December 9.</p>

Pictured are Sarah Polson, Emma Phillips, Debbie Grose, Rev. Lonnie Grose, Natalie Goodwin and Marcy Goodwin. Marcy Goodwin owns Ma’s Kitchen and Grill in Morven where the event was held on Saturday, December 9.

<p>Davion Bennett posed for pictures with Santa and picked out toys. </p>

Davion Bennett posed for pictures with Santa and picked out toys.

MORVEN — Christmas came to Morven early this holiday season. Playing the parts of Santa and Mrs. Claus, Reverend Lonnie Grose and his wife, Debbie, handed out toys to all the good little boys and girls of Anson County on Saturday, December 9 at the Morven Truck Stop.

Grose, who serves both Shiloh Christian Community and Sandy Plains Christian Fellowship Church, brought the holiday goodwill event to fruition. Marcy Goodwin, owner of Ma’s Kitchen and Grill, opened the doors of her establishment for Santa and Mrs. Claus. A corner of the restaurant was festively designed with a Christmas tree decorated with colorful ornaments and tinsel, and of course lots and lots of presents set under the tree with care.

Children from all over were invited to take a picture with Santa, whisper their special Christmas wish in his ear, and pick out a couple of toys to love and enjoy.

Aiding Santa were three enchanting young elves, Sarah Polson, Emma Phillips, and Natalie Goodwin. The trio preformed double duty handing out gifts and encouraging passersby to stop in and meet the Clauses.

Getting into the Christmas spirit, The Express sponsored and donated advertisements for the event.

“It was truly a gift and honor for us to do it,” shares Grose. “We ended up getting to bless about seventy-five children with Christmas presents. We took all the remaining presents to the Children’s Home (Connie Maxwell home) in Chesterfield,” updated Grose following the event.

Toys for Santa’s give-away were provided through donations made by the churches, private individuals, cash donations made to buy toys, and also by the State Employees Credit Union.