WADESBORO — The holidays are right around the corner, which means holiday meals with the family. Join the South Central District Family and Consumer Science Agents (FCS) from North Carolina Cooperative Extension; to show you how to save some time and energy cooking your favorite holiday meals with the Instant Pot or any Electronic Pressure Cooker.
These programs are free of charge, so guests are only asked to bring optimism, energy, expectancy to learn, while having a little fun too.
The two sessions will be on November 10th & November 19th, from 12 p.m. – 2 p.m. Sessions will be virtual and you can register at this link: https://holidayinstantpotseries.eventbrite.com.
The two sessions will include:
• Holiday recipes will be demonstrated each session which will include a protein, sides, and desserts.
• A prerequisite video to watch on the basics of the Instant Pot.
• An ingredient list will be sent one week prior so you can cook along with us!
• We will also have a discussion on smaller portions and battling holiday food anxiety.
For more information on this event contact one of our South Central FCS agents:
• Der Holcomb, Alexander County – (828) 632-3125 | dxiong3@ncsu.edu
• Roshunda Terry, Anson County – (704) 694-2915 | roshunda_terry@ncsu.edu
• Rhonda Peters, Montgomery County – (704) 576-6011 | rtpeters@ncat.edu
• Hayley Cowell, Stanly County – (704) 983-3987 | hayley_cowell@ncsu.edu
• Marcus McFarland, Union County – (704) 283-3830 | marcus_mcfarland@ncsu.edu
Roshunda Terry is the County Extension Director.
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