WADESBORO — Any student within Anson County can now register for the school district’s free Summer of Learning Experience.

Throughout the summer, students may attend camps in which they will receive individualized instruction and support that may not have been achieved during this difficult school year.

The summer camp, All Ball, encompasses a sports theme each week including different sports and events that students will have the chance to explore.

Transportation, breakfast and lunch will be provided to all students for free. Camp starts at 8:45 a.m. and runs through 1:15 p.m. Monday through Fridays.

Here are the following camp weeks and the theme for the week:

• June 1-4: Baseball and softball

• June 7-11: Volleyball

• June 14-18: Soccer

• July 12-16: Football

• July 19-23: Basketball

• July 26-30: Water Fun

The deadline to register is May 10. Registrations forms are available at each school or you can apply online at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScLQpkNTLxD7XiaBYKYgmmtjpYMDeSvar41UflLi6h5WUgysw/formrestricted.

For more information contact Jennifer Collard at 704-694-4417.