<p>Graphic courtesy of Anson County Government</p>
                                <p>This graphic shows the counties that have county-wide zoning (dark colored) and those that have partial county zoning (light colored).</p>

Graphic courtesy of Anson County Government

This graphic shows the counties that have county-wide zoning (dark colored) and those that have partial county zoning (light colored).

Over the next year, Anson County will work to develop a draft county-wide zoning ordinance for the unincorporated areas of the County based on the recently approved comprehensive land-use plan.

Anson is one of the only counties in the region that doesn’t have county-wide zoning. As they put together the county’s 2040 Comprehensive Land-Use Plan, county leaders want to join their peers in having county-wide zoning.

The county government will hold a series of open houses in October 2021 (second round) for residents to receive a presentation on the draft ordinance and provide feedback. Each open house will include a PowerPoint presentation overview of the draft zoning ordinance and facilitated residents’ feedback and input.

Each open house will be open to the public from 6:30 pm – 8 pm. Residents can attend one or all of the listed meetings. See available dates below at the specified locations:

• 6:30 pm – 8 pm, Thursday, October 7; at 229 Main Street Morven, NC 28119 (South Anson) HOLLA

• 6:30 pm – 8 pm. Tuesday, October 12; at 202 West Wall Street Lilesville, NC 28091 (East Anson), Lilesville Fire Department

• 6:30 pm- 8 pm, Thursday, October 14; at South Piedmont Community College L.L. Polk Campus 680 US 74 Polkton, NC 28135 (West Anson)

• 6:30 pm – 8 pm, Tuesday, October 19; 13380 NC Hwy 742 North, Polkton, NC 28135 (Northwest), Burnsville Fire Department

• 6:30 pm – 8 pm, Thursday, October 21; 5770 US Highway 52 North Wadesboro, NC 28170 (North Anson) Pee Dee Wildlife Refuge

For more information, contact Larry Newton, Tax Director/Interim Planning Director at: lnewton@ansoncountync.gov or 704 994-3211.