Sgt. Gerald Cannon was selected by the Anson County Democratic Party to succeed Sheriff Landric Reid.
WADESBORO — The Anson County Democratic Party has selected Sgt. Gerald Cannon, a 21-year veteran of the Wadesboro Police Department, for Sheriff for the 2022-2026 term.
His selection follows the September passing of Sheriff Landric Reid.
Although Cannon is the nominee for Sheriff, Reid’s name will still appear on the ballot on Nov. 8. According to NC General Statute 163-165.3(c), a vote for a candidate who has been replaced due to a death will count for the replacement candidate. There are no candidates running against Cannon.
Chief Deputy Scott Howell was unanimously selected by the Anson County Board of Commissioners to act as Sheriff until the election is finalized. Howell was sworn in on Oct. 6.
Dannie Montgomery, chairman of the Anson County Democratic Party, said there were five qualified candidates for the position, all with over 20 years of law enforcement experience.
“Everybody…commented about how strong [Cannon] was in his character and his demeanor and dealing with people,” Montgomery said.
Montgomery said Cannon’s background as a school resource officer helped Cannon build a solid rapport and respect in the community.
“His relationship with leaders in the community — he could work with a diverse group of individuals,” Montgomery said. “Those are the kind of things that stand out.”
On Oct. 10, the Anson County Democratic Party came together and over 90 votes from the executive council of the ACDP were cast in the process.
“[We] really had a strong representation and a very diverse group,” Montgomery said. “We believe that we did what was the best for the community.”
“Following such a tragic loss, I recognize the importance of restoring stability for every person of this county,” shared Cannon in an email. “My pledge is to serve as Sheriff for all citizens of Anson County. I vow to always let my character speak for me, to always let my heart guide me, to always follow my conscience, and to always let my faith carry me through any difficult times that this County may encounter. I believe in an open-door policy that allows our citizens to express their concerns, and I am committed to supporting the community that believes in and trust the Sheriff’s Office. My obligation will be to serve the Office of Sheriff, with integrity, honesty, and respect.”
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Reach Matthew Sasser at 910-817-2671 or msasser@yourdailyjournal.com. To suggest a correction, email editor@yourdailyjournal.com.