Nearly 140 South Piedmont Community College graduates participate in the drive-thru style graduation ceremony on May 15. There was a total of 271 SPCC 2021 graduates.
                                 Contributed Photo

Nearly 140 South Piedmont Community College graduates participate in the drive-thru style graduation ceremony on May 15. There was a total of 271 SPCC 2021 graduates.

Contributed Photo

<p>Friends and family watch the South Piedmont Community College graduation in a drive-through fashion on May 15.</p>
                                 <p>Contributed Photo</p>

Friends and family watch the South Piedmont Community College graduation in a drive-through fashion on May 15.

Contributed Photo

WADESBORO — South Piedmont Community College honored its 271 graduates in a special drive-through graduation on May 15.

A total of 138 graduates participated in the special event, joining with a parade of cars.

Edmari Correia de Castro, student government association president, spoke to students about how the graduates overcame a challenging two years and to embrace the challenges and to keep moving forward.

SPCC is a two-year college offering certificates, diplomas and associates degrees to Anson and Union county residents. These graduates made it through the two years with both virtual learning and in-person classes, adapting to whatever the pandemic through at them.

This year, Representative Craig Horn was awarded SPCC’s 2020 Honorary Degree for his contributions, time and resources across the community and state. He had a transformative impact on education, chaired and served on several committees, which governed education appropriations, policy, oversight and finance reform, according to the SPCC press release.

“It’s during life-changing and life-challenging events that we form our own rules of life,” Rep. Horn said when receiving his honorary degree. “Put your mark on whatever it is you do in life and be proud.”

SPCC also honored faculty and staff members with annual excellence awards. Jim McAlhaney received the Excellence in Teaching Award for his dedication to students both inside and outside the classroom.

The 2021 Staff of the Year Award was presented to Dr. Makena Stewart for her commitment in Student Affairs. She established the Advising Center, Library Learning Commons and International Education.

“Know thyself,” SPCC President Dr. Maria Pharr said at the ceremony. “Know your talents and extol them. Know your weaknesses and work to overcome them or avoid immersing yourself in situations that focus on them. Know your heart to discover your passion. And know your soul to refresh and renew your spirit. Choose the career you were called to pursue and never stop learning.

For more information about SPCC or to view the graduation video, visit